Tuesday, October 08, 2024

The True Story of the Roswell UFO Incident – “Unsolved Mysteries”

The True Story of the Roswell UFO Incident – “Unsolved Mysteries” - www.theufochronicles.com

"I believe that the military experienced the recovery of an alien spacecraft. It’s where the evidence is leading us," Randle claimed in the episode. "The Air Force says they have no evidence it was extraterrestrial. I think that the files were gathered up and are in a different repository hidden deep in the archives of the government and therefore there was no paper trail to it."


It's been nearly 80 years since the Roswell incident, and there are countless theories about what was found in New Mexico. Ufologists Don Schmitt and Kevin Randle, who have been trying to uncover
By Samantha Stutsman
the truth since 1989, believe Roswell is the "one case that could solve the entire UFO mystery overnight." Their findings about an alleged government cover-up are documented in Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries, volume 5, episode 4.

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