Showing posts with label Roswell Scandal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roswell Scandal. Show all posts

Thursday, October 05, 2017

Hocus Pocus: The Roswell Slides Return

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Hocus Pocus: The Roswell Slides Return

      A mainstream media piece by The Guardian from the UK is worth a look for it's portrayal of one of ufology's biggest embarrassments. "The Curious Case Of The Alien In The Photo And A Mystery That Took Years To Solve," written by Les Carpenter, a sports journalist, it sympathetically presents the Roswell Slides story from the POV of the promoter of the events, Adam Dew. There, Dew finally names and discloses the role of his silent partner, Joseph Beason. I'm not sure just why the story was newsworthy at this late date, but it does contain a few new bits, chiefly quotes from the perpetrators, and is the first interview with Dew since the events. It's a nice
Curt Collins
By Curt Collins
piece, but there are a few things that need to be clarified, and a few errors that need to be corrected.

Don Schmitt & Tom Carey
I was struck by the lack citation of sources in the article, or links to the source material, but the narrative is more accurate than not. The coverage of the deblurring of the Slides is shortchanged and there’s a only a brief mention of the Roswell Slides Research Group and Nab Lator (who is called Neb). Instead, the story is all about how Adam Dew was drawn into the circus, and how two Roswell ufologists let belief lead their investigation.

Hocus Pocus?

The ufologists in the story, Tom Carey and Donald Schmitt, look bad, making unsubstantiated accusations that they were victims. “It was a very sophisticated hoax,” Carey says. “Dew manipulated the slides. The one clue we couldn’t figure out was the placard, but they played hocus pocus with the placard. We were given something that had been altered.” The story says, “Humiliated, Carey and Schmitt apologized to the Roswell Slides debunkers.” No. RSRG member Tim Printy responded on Facebook, saying,
“It states that Carey and Schmitt apologized to the Roswell slides debunkers. I don't remember that apology. If it was given, it was some vague comment they made with little meaning. I also see that Carey and Schmitt still believe that the slides were altered by Dew. This is a lie and they are just fooling themselves. Rudiak claimed he could deblur his placard and we know that we could deblur Bragalia's. The problem with Carey and Schmitt is they believe they were too smart to not figure it out. Instead, they were just stupid UFOlogists stuck in the will to believe in the myth they created.”
Printy is correct. Carey and Schmitt’s claim that they received deceptive, manipulated versions of the scans is false. On the April 20, 2015, KGRA show, Fade to Black, a few weeks before BeWitness, Tom Carey said he was sent a high resolution version of the two Slides, and he describes both pictures in detail, the placard and the man and woman seen behind the body. (In other words, the museum setting was pictured.)

Video: "Ep. 241 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Tom Carey, UFO Roswell Slides LIVE on air"
Carey, on receiving the Slides by email: 131:30, describing Slides images: 137 and 140.

Roswell Slides Placard AKA Mummified Body of Two-Year-Old Boy

Portions of those same scans were sent to David Rudiak and Anthony Bragalia in an attempt to read the placard. After the RSRG deblurred the placard, those scans were made public, and they could be deblurred and read just as easily. The charges of digital manipulation of the slides against Dew and Beason are false. However Dew admits to exploitation being "guilty of not discouraging the talk [of it being alien]. It was good for the project.”

Accusations, Trolls and Rewriting History

Beason's Accusations of the RSRG Ffaking the Deblurring with Photoshop.
Beason's Accusations of the RSRG Ffaking the Deblurring with Photoshop.
( - click and or right click to enlarge -)

BeWitness, Dew's clip of the Nov. 2013 meeting in Chicago
BeWitness, Dew's clip of the Nov. 2013 meeting in Chicago
The story confirms that after the deblurring, it was Beason who the RSRG was corresponding with, not Dew and Beason who posted at Slidebox Media the RSRG were "internet UFO Trolls" hoaxing the placard. It was later toned down, and proven to be false, but no apology from Beason was offered. The Slidebox site,, is now dead, but the YouTube account remains. It's reported that "Beason has moved on."

The most glaring distortion in the Guardian itself is the claim that the show was a last-minute 2015 decision made as a last resort:
"By early 2015, Beason and Dew knew they had no choice but to reveal the slides. The pressure to do so was extreme and Dew needed money to fund his documentary... The only appealing proposal came from Jamie Maussan, an investigative journalist based in Mexico City."
This is inaccurate. At BeWitness, Dew showed a clip documenting how the deal deal was brokered in November 2013, with Carey, Schmitt and Maussan traveling to Chicago for the signing the partnership arrangement.

Old Dogs, Old Tricks

The best quote in the Guardian story is how the investigation went off the rails. The pictures looked alien to them, and after pursuing details on Hilda Blair Ray's past, Dew said, “You start to fill in the blanks." Those blanks were filled with wishful thinking instead of evidence.

BeWitness promoter Jaime Maussan didn't get much coverage in the article, and it’s almost sad that "World-famous researcher" Anthony Bragalia who dreamed up much of the Slides narrative was not even mentioned.

If at first you don't succeed...
If at first you don't succeed...

Jaime Maussan has never given up on the Slides and continues to promote them, and has since used some of the same “experts” to promote a series of Peruvian mummies as alien bodies. The enterprise was was heavily promoted and exploited by the subscription-based video service Gaia, that bills itself as “a member-supported conscious media company.” For further details, see The Atlantic's article, "The Racism Behind Alien Mummy Hoaxes by Christopher Heaney," Aug. 1, 2017

The new Guardian piece closes by saying that Dew intends to complete his documentary, Kodachrome, but otherwise life goes on. Of Carey and Schmitt, Dew says, “They got their hopes up,” but “will never get the answers they are looking for.”

There’s an interesting question that may not have been asked. Let’s assume Beason was sincere in approaching Carey and Schmitt, asking “I want you to help verify” the Slides. If so, doesn’t Slidebox Media, LLC have a case against Carey and Schmitt for failure to perform the contracted duty? None of the evidence produced in support of the Slides as alien turned out to be accurate.

For an insider's look of the story of the investigation and exposure of the BeWitness fiasco, there's my essay on the Roswell Slides Research Group in UFOs: Reframing the Debate, "What's Wrong With This Picture?"Further details on that in a previous article, "UFOs: Reframing the Roswell Slides Fiasco."

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Roswell Slides - Who Got the Five Grand?

The Roswell Slides - Who Got the Five Grand?

     I was reading Tim Printy’s SUNlite; he mentioned that Jaime Maussan had paid Tony Bragalia five thousand dollars for finding another picture of the mummy displayed in the so-called Roswell Slides. This suggested a couple of things to me.

First, I wondered, as did Tim Printy, what had become of that money. I asked Tony and he said that he had donated all of it to Native American non-profit organization. Tony had been extremely upset to learn that the image on the slides was not an alien creature but an unfortunate child who had died centuries earlier.

By Kevin Randle
A Different Perspective

Second, I wondered if this was a tacit admission that the image wasn’t an alien as had been promoted. Maussan, who had rejected the reading of the placard suggesting the identity of the image, was now quietly admitting the truth. Maussan has insisted that the image was an alien and he would prove it. He also offered a reward if anyone could find another picture of the same mummy.

As you all know, the documentation was extraordinary here. Pictures of the excavation in the late nineteenth century were found, a report about the discovery had been located, and pictures showing the mummy in a museum setting that cemented the identity were produced. Clearly the mummy had been identified as something terrestrial.

It seems at this point that nearly everyone who was involved in this have now, more or less, conceded the truth. We can now relegate the whole thing to a footnote in the history of the UFO phenomenon.

But since Tim Printy had raised the question about what happened to the money, I thought I would answer that. The money ended up with the Native Americans which seems to me to be the proper place for it.

Thursday, October 08, 2015

The Next Not Roswell Slides Chapter

The Next Not Roswell Slides Chapter

By Kevin Randle
A Different Perspective

      One of the reasons that the posts here appear on an irregular basis is that I wait for some sort of inspiration to hit. I had put up the post on the size of the debris field with the idea to do the same with descriptions of the debris, or which officers said what about the crash and the like. Rich Reynolds also chastised me for not answering his question about UFO movies and I wanted to do something with the Hangar One nonsense about the Kingman UFO crash which I figured would alienate most of MUFON and the entire population of Kingman. Today, however, a question that I had no answer for appears to have an answer.

I had wondered why Tom Carey had so tenaciously held onto the idea that the image in the Not Roswell Slides was an alien creature. I wondered why Don Schmitt seemed to vacillate between understanding the image was an unfortunate child and it was actually something alien. Given the evidence and documentation, it seemed that the image’s identity was obvious to anyone who looked at it dispassionately, at the other photographs available of that mummy and at the documentation that surrounded its discovery, recovery and display in museums in Colorado and Arizona.

Today, I have the answer in the form of a new book by them, and Jaime Maussan, as part of the BeWitness project or whatever they called it. I’m not going to publish the link because this is not a book that should be in any serious library besides it is currently only available in Spanish. It reminds me of the continuing series of books and programs on the Bermuda Triangle after Lawrence Kusche wrote The Bermuda Triangle Mystery – Solved. It did, in its pages, produce an intelligent and viable solution to the questions asked about the Triangle and seems to be ignored in most documentaries about that nonsense.

We are in the same place with the Not Roswell Slides. The identity of the image has been well established yet we are subjected to another “analysis” of that image based only on what is shown in the pictures and not on an examination of the remains. I suspect they will reject the research done by others that is in conflict with what they say, will trot out the same experts to endorse their original opinions, and continue to promote this as some sort of evidence of alien visitation.

Yes, I am making this prediction on nothing more than the fact the book is available as an ebook (in Spanish for nearly 20 bucks) and one that I have no intention of buying… and yes again, it is difficult to “review” a book without actually reading it, but then I do know the story of how all this came about and what the evidence supporting their conclusions are. Unless this is an expose on how they were duped into supporting the idea that the image was of an alien creature this new ebook will not reflect any sort of reality. If it is just an outgrowth of the fiasco in Mexico City, this marks the further decline in what we now laughingly call Ufology. I thought we had hit bottom in the hours after Mexico City but I see that I was wrong.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Roswell Slides Slow and Painful Death

The Roswell Slides Slow and Painful Death

By Tim Printy

     After the release of SUNlite 7-4, the Roswell Slides debacle practically disappeared from the Internet. Maussan and his experts appeared to be still sticking to their guns regarding the supposed size of the body and that the body is not the mummy that was on display at Montezuma Castle/Mesa Verde. Most of their arguments are severely flawed as I pointed out in last issue. They have yet to hold their planned press conference, which was canceled last June. Maybe Maussan will hope that his failure will fade from memory and he can move on to the next UFO promotional event.

From what I have been able to understand, Schmitt and Carey did not mention the slides at the Roswell festival. In August, Carey finally appeared to tell everyone on the Jim Harold podcast that the case was not closed on the slides. His arguments were all the same nonsense spouted out prior to SUNlite 7-4. They are as weak as they are worthless. Carey then went out of his way to show disdain for certain members of the Roswell Slides Research Group. We rained on his parade and now he is attempting to demonize the group.

Meanwhile, the Carey and Schmitt apologists have figured a way to keep them credible. They are being excused for their woefully inadequate research by stating they were limited by Adam Dew’s control of the slides. It is hard to believe such exaggerations because all of the promoters claimed to have access to the high quality scans of the slides prior to the event. Deblurring Bragalia’s scans demonstrated the evidence was there for all to discover. They simply did not want to look.

This excuse of being fooled by Dew, if accurate, brings up a serious problem with Carey and Schmitt’s research that they publish. If they were so easily fooled by a photograph of a mummy, what does it say for all those interviews they claim prove Roswell was the crash of an alien spaceship? Is it possible that some, most, or all of their witnesses have been fooling them as well? How much of what they write is just as inaccurate as the research they conducted on the slides themselves? Quite a few of the statements made by these two “respected researchers” before and after May 5th were so inaccurate and misleading that one has to really question just about anything they say or write about the subject. I have been under the opinion for many years that the writings in Schmitt and Carey’s books are wild exaggerations and distortions. The Roswell slides fiasco confirmed that opinion.

Ten “undeniable truths” about the Roswell slides

Based on how Tom Carey and Don Schmitt write their conclusions about Roswell, an “Undeniable truth” does not have to be a fact. It is just their opinion. With that in mind, I created some of my own “undeniable truths” regarding the Roswell slides. However, contrary to what Carey and Schmitt state about the Roswell case, many of these “truths” ARE facts. Others are opinions based on a preponderance of the evidence.
1. Tom Carey, after examining the slides, declared that the photographs were not taken in a museum setting even though there are numerous artifacts visible in the photograph that demonstrate it was a museum of some kind.

2. Don Schmitt conceded that the slides showed a mummy but reversed his opinion a few weeks later.

3. Tom Carey stated that skeptics could not admit when they are wrong but can not admit he might have made a mistake with the Roswell slides.

4. The placard, when deblurred, states that the body is that of a mummified two year old boy. This is a proven fact that many people have been able to replicate.

5. There was a mummified body of a two year old boy that was on display at Mesa Verde in early 1947. Photographs of this body in the records, despite objections by Carey, Schmitt, and Maussan, are a good match to the body seen in the Roswell slides.

6. The Rays visited Colorado during the mid to late 1940s as evidenced by their photographs from the region.

7. There is no evidence, that can be verified, which proves Bernard and Hilda Ray ever personally knew the Eisenhowers.

8. Jaimie Maussan has reneged on his reward for photographs that match the Roswell slides. He can make everyone think the body is not the same but the evidence indicates otherwise.

9. None of the scientists, employed by Maussan, have published any of their findings in independent scientific journals where their work is subject to criticism from qualified experts.

10. There is no evidence presented that the Roswell Slides are a photograph of an alien discovered at Roswell or that it is something that is not human.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Scientists and the Roswell Slides

Scientists and the Roswell Slides

By Kevin Randle
A Different Perspective

      Since we have been repeatedly given the “facts” of the mummy as established by Richard Doble and are told that no other scientists, anthropologists or archaeologists would go on the record, I thought it time to challenge this bit of misrepresentation. As I have noted, when we are told that no American anthropologists would go on the record, it might mean that none would go on the record based solely on examination of the slides. They wanted additional information and I don’t see that as an unreasonable request. In fact, it sounds just like the question a scientist would ask when presented with something like the Roswell Slides.

But that is only part of the story. There have been statements by recognized scientists concerning what is shown in the slides. Tim Printy has published information about this, much of it found by Philip Mantle. Printy’s article can be found here.

But for those who don’t wish to access all the information provided by Printy, here are the germane points:
Dr. Daniel Antoine, Institute for Bioarchaeology - Curator of Physical Anthropology: Based on the photograph, this appears to be the mummified remains of a very young child. The mummification process is likely to have been natural (i.e. buried in a very hot or arid environment) but it may also have been intentionally embalmed.

François Gaudard, University of Chicago: To me it looks indeed like a mummy: the mummy of a child. The item on the other side of the mummy appears to be remnants of mummy bandages, but it is difficult to tell for sure. However, since some parts of the mummy look a little shiny, for example, the right hand and just below the ribs, it makes me wonder whether it could be varnished or made of plastic? And also why is the text on the label not visible as if someone was trying to hide something? [This is an accurate statement. Someone was trying to hide something.]

Frode Storaas, University Museum of Bergen: This seems to be a mummy, but not from old Egypt. Mummies are found many places. The photo indicates that this mummy is exhibited, or stored, somewhere and by someone who probably can tell more. [Should I point out here that this is right on point. That documentation exists.]

Dr. Suzanne Onstine, University of Memphis: It does appear to be human remains (and likely a child), although the photo is too blurry to tell if artificial mummification procedures were done. It is certainly possible the body was naturally mummified due to dry climate and soil. That kind of thing happened all the time in many cultures.

S.J. Wolfe, Director of the EMINA (Egyptian Mummies in North America) Project: Okay, it is a mummy, but very hard to tell if it Egyptian, South American or European. I see no wrappings of any kind, it appears to be a child or youth. Do you have a provenance on the slide??? That may help the determination.

Dr. Ronald Leprohon, University of Toronto: Where was this shot taken? It looks like a museum. What did the label say? Did you ask the folks there? I’m sure they’d have information on their displays. It certainly looks like a mummy but it’s pretty blurry so it’s difficult to see properly. Sorry I can’t be more helpful, and good luck in your quest. [A really astute comment by someone who only had a scan of the slide to examine.]

Dr. Patricia Podzorski, University of Memphis: Based on the image you sent, it appears that what you saw is the preserved remains of a human body, or a good imitation thereof. Since no wrappings are clearly visible in the photo, I can not determine the culture (Egypt, Peru, Asia, North America, etc.) or the date/ period (ancient or recent) of origin. Given that the head is turned slightly to the side and the color, it might not be an unwrapped ancient Egyptian mummy, but I am not able to be certain based on the visual information.

Salima Ikram, American University in Cairo: I confirm that the photo is of a mummy of a child, possibly Peruvian or even Egyptian. [Another scientist who was to accurately identify the remains from the slide without going off into the extraterrestrial.]

Denise Doxey, Curator, Ancient Egyptian, Nubian and Near Eastern Art. Museum of fine arts, Boston: Yes, that would appear to be the mummy of a small child.
As I have noted, Philip Mantle was the man responsible for interviewing these people and getting their statements on the record. All that can be found here.

Given all this, I hope that we can now move beyond the claims that other scientists, versed in the necessary disciplines, have not gone on the record about this. It is clear that their opinions are more informed than that of Doble. The trouble for some commenters here is that they agree with what Doble said and ignore everything else. It seems to me that there are many arrayed on the side of the image being an unfortunate human child based on their examination of the scans available and a few who are sticking to the idea it is alien while ignoring all the other documentation, photographs and evidence. For those unable to understand it, these are the remains of an unfortunate child. There is nothing alien about it.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Roswell Slides Insanity Continues ...

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Tom Carey Doubles Down on the Roswell Slides

Tom Carey Doubles Down on the Roswell Slides

By Kevin Randle
A Different Perspective

      Like so many others, I had thought we were done with the Roswell Slides. It seemed that the reading of the placard, the discovery of the documentation that supported all of that, and the retreat of some of the experts would be enough to kill it. It seemed as if we had all the answers, documented to a level that is rarely achieved in UFO research… and it appears that I would be wrong because there are always those diehards out there.

Tom Carey, a major proponent of the Roswell Slides, appeared on the Paranormal Podcast 393 hosted by Jim Harold a couple of days ago. You can download the program here.

Carey did make a couple of comments that I thought to be of importance. At about 4:55, while discussing the slides he said, “It was one of the Roswell bodies.”

At 18:40, he said, “To me it was one of the Roswell aliens. Considering the time frame and what it looked like. It looked exactly like what had been described to me as to what the body looked like from the crash.”

Why are these two quotes important? Because prior to May 5, they, meaning Carey and Don Schmitt, had insisted that they hadn’t tied the slides to Roswell specifically. Schmitt, on The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett on April 12, 2015, said, “What I personally resent is that so many of the skeptics… somehow they have done everything they can to link them [the slides] to Roswell… They’re the ones who have labeled them the Roswell Slides. We haven’t done that…" He went on to say that they were not linking “these images to Roswell… It is possible there is a connection.”

To sort of underscore this, Carey said during this most recent interview that the owner of the slides, whom he did not identify (Joe Beason) “wasn’t a Roswell guy or UFO guy but it looked like the body of an alien.” I am still not clear why anyone would jump to that conclusion, but according to Carey, that is what Beason did. The point is that Carey mentioned that Beason was not a Roswell guy shows the connection being made.

The other point that Carey thought of as important, as he was discussing the “deblurring” of the placard, was that the placard seemed to have been written in cursive but when finally deblurred, it was in block letters. This bothered Carey and to him it suggested that something in the deblurring process was flawed. He mentioned that he wasn’t a computer guy but he just couldn’t understand this.

The answer, however, was simple. David Rudiak, who had first suggested that the lettering was in cursive said that his observation was based on the way the lettering looked in the scans he had been given. They were of the placard and little else which masked the true nature of what he was seeing. When he was given a higher quality scan that had more background detail, it was clear that the lettering was not in cursive. The deblurring of a higher resolution scan provided the answer which Carey seems to dismiss.

Of course this argument about cursive, doesn’t explain why the floor as shown when the whole slide frame is revealed matches that in the museum and why other placards visible match the one in front of the “alien” image. Or, in other words, the slide was not taken in some obscure government lab, research center or facility. It matches the floor in the museum at Mesa Verde that was open to the public, and given the timing of the events, was probably taken prior to May 1947, which, of course rules out Roswell.

Nor does it explain the other exhibits that are seen in the background of the slide. Clearly this is a museum setting and not the controlled environment you would expect if this was an image of an alien creature. It would not be out on display for everyone to see.

I could go on in this vein, but is it really necessary? Carey is grasping at straws. The evidence that the image is that of an unfortunate child is overwhelming and the suggestions that it is something alien nearly nonexistent.

But I want to make one thing clear. I do not believe that either Carey or Schmitt were participating in a hoax that they created. They might have been overwhelmed by their own enthusiasm and their desire to find some evidence of an alien UFO crash at Roswell, but they didn’t create a hoax. Fooled? Yes. Naïve? Yes… but not the creators of a hoax. We all get fooled sometimes and this is one of those times for them. Oh, it is certainly time to let it go, but once you have committed to something so deeply, it is extremely difficult to admit the mistake.

Friday, July 03, 2015

BEWOEFUL: The Death of The Roswell Slides

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The Death of The Roswell Slides

By Tim Printy

"The program was a train wreck that tried
to cram five pounds of crap into a one pound bag.

     Against my better judgment, I chose to invest $15 of my hard earned money and three hours out of my life on the “BeWitness” program. I half expected to be surprised with new revelations about the slides because the promoters were so adamant that they were images of an alien being. In a poorly organized presentation, Maussan practically put his audience to sleep as he tried to build suspense for the big reveal. When the program was complete, I was asking myself, ”Why did I waste my time and money?”.

BeBored: May 5th was mostly a snooze fest

There is an old saying that I learned, early on in my naval career, which stated, “prior planning prevents piss-poor performance”. Most of what we did involved a plan. That plan did not always work in the heat of the moment because events might change the situation and one had to adapt as one saw fit. However, when it came to presentations, they usually went off like clockwork. It was practiced and everybody had a time and place to be. In the case of BeWitness, there appeared to be not much of a plan. Instead of two or three hours, the program took five hours. Most of it was extremely boring. . . .

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Roswell Slides: Two Bodies

2-Year-Old Child Mummy Found at Montezuma Castle - 1896

2-Year-Old Child Mummy Found at Montezuma Castle (Crpd 3) - 1896
Editor’s Note: Jaime Maussan reached out to me the other day and stated that he felt that we weren’t being fair in our coverage of the Roswell Slides Fiasco; he in part wrote:

“You just have presented one side; I believe is fair if you present the other side.”

I replied that this wasn’t accurate; that we’ve covered the story since the Spring of 2013 (and conducted our own investigation) and published and or highlighted numerous articles which were either outright alien proclamations and or similar sentiment. This included many news items which were about Jaime himself and his arguments about the child mummy being an alien.

In any event, although this case is closed and the (formerly) alleged alien images have been definitely identified as a child mummy, in the spirit of fairness and free speech we present Mr. Maussan’s latest article—FW

By Jaime Maussan

     New images recently declassified by the National Park System of the United States, present the archaeologist S. L. Palmer at the moment when he discovered the mummified body of a child in the ruins of Montezuma Castle in Arizona. These documents show the authenticity of this picture and show the evident differences between this body and the one presented in Bewitness in Mexico City.

The differences between this body compared with images recently presented are evident. We have two photographs of Mummies, presumably similar to the body presented in Mexico City. These evidences are incompatible.

2-Year-Old Child Mummy Found at Montezuma Castle (Crpd 4) - 1896

In this close up we can see the details of the being found by Palmer. We see the head and the face of this mummified child, and the features are different than those of the one presented in Mexico. . . .

Continue Reading . . .

See Also:

Roswell Slides Update: Maussan Expert Reverses Course – It's a Mummy!

The Roswell Slides – The Child from Montezuma Castle: A Summary

MUFON Asst. State Director Requests Ban on Roswell Slides Promoters

Roswell Slides: It's All Over but the Accountability

ROSWELL SLIDES UPDATE: Official Confirmation and Additional Photo of Mummy

Roswell Slides UPDATE: Additional Mummy Photo Found—Maussan backpedals on Bounty

The Roswell Slides: The Seduction of the Will to Believe

SETI's Seth Shostak Chimes in On The Roswell Slides

Roswell Slides Aftermath: Odds and Ends

Questions About The Roswell Slides Fiasco Remain

Roswell Slides: Alien Charade Continues Despite Acknowledged Facts | VIDEO

Roswell Slide Promoter, Don Schmitt Back on Stage

"Alien Mummy Fiasco in Mexico City Has Pretty Much Played Itself Out"

Roswell Slides Debacle: "The Public Deserves a Financial Accounting"

Roswell Slides: "The 'Alien' Photograph was Pure Theater"

Roswell Slides UPDATE: Schmitt Caves, Issues Mea Culpa; Blame Game Continues

Roswell Slides: Mexican Media Highlights Condemnation of 'Maussan Mummy Show'

Roswell Alien Slide Promoters Issue Conflicting Statements After Photos are Identified As a Child Mummy

Roswell Alien Crash Happened, Despite BeWitness Debacle, Claims NASA Astronaut

Roswell Slides UPDATE: Mummy of Mesa Verde - ID Confirmed

The Roswell Slides: UFO Researcher Apologizes; 'Dead Alien' Picture is of Child Mummy

Roswell Slides Update: Mummy is Identified; Mea Culpa Issued and Blame Game Begins

The Roswell Slides: Analysis of The Placard Image Released By Adam Dew

Roswell Slides Final Curtain: Mummified Body of Two Year Old Boy!

The Roswell Slides Reveal: Probable Hoax or Easily Explainable / Misidentified

Roswell Slides Revealed: '... A Smoking Gun It Is Not'

Roswell Slides: Smoking Gun Picture is Child Mummy

Roswell Slides: Photo Unveiling Was 'An epic Fail'

The Roswell Slides Time Bomb: Tick, Tick, Tick (Redux)

Stanton Friedman Chimes in On Alleged Roswell Alien Slides (Redux)

‘Roswell Slides’: A 20th Anniversary Commemoration of ‘Alien Autopsy’ Hoax?

What if the Roswell Slides Saga is a Social Experiment or a Hoax?

Another Promotional Trailer for Roswell Alien Slides & Upcoming Show | VIDEO

Carey & Schmitt Walk Back Roswell Alien Slides Story | VIDEO – INTERVIEW

The Roswell Slides ARE NOT the Roswell Slides | VIDEO

Roswell Aliens Slides Shot at White Sands Missile Range? | VIDEO

ROSWELL ALIEN SLIDES UPDATE: Original Evidence Won't Be Shown in Mexico?

The Roswell Slides and Stan Friedman

The Roswell Slides and the 'Lieutenant'

Stanton Friedman Chimes in On Alleged Roswell Alien Slides and His Declination to Participate in Upcoming Show

The Roswell Slides Saga: Some Claims vs Some Facts

Is This Mummy the Famous "Alien" in the Roswell Slides?

The Roswell Slides - A Matter of Provenance

'Roswell Slides' or Fraud Prints?

The Roswell Slides Time Bomb: Tick, Tick, Tick

The Roswell Slides and a Little Hypocrisy

The Roswell Slides: Adios

'Roswell Alien Slides' Owner Speaks Out

The Roswell Slides and Me (Kevin Randle)

More Info On Roswell Alien Slides; Adam Dew Interviewed By Chicago News Station | VIDEO

Chicago Man Uncovered Secret Alien Pics? | VIDEO

Spying on the Roswell Slides

Sneak Peak at The Roswell Alien Slides?

Live Press Conference with Roswell Alien Slides Researchers | VIDEO

Pictures of the Beings Found in Roswell to Be Presented by Jaime Maussan | VIDEO

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is Shown Roswell Alien Slides | VIDEO

Maussan Explains Origin of Roswell Alien Slides & Upcoming Show | VIDEO

First Glimpse of Roswell Alien Slides Documentary – Surprise! | VIDEO

Roswell Alien Slides To Be Unveiled in May Via a Live Streamed Event

The Roswell Slides and the Aztec UFO Crash

The Roswell Slides and Premature Disclosure

Roswell Researcher, Tom Carey Announces Discovery of Alien Photographs | VIDCAST

"Two Color Kodachrome Slides ... Purport To Show A Glass-Encased Alien Cadaver"

Real Alien Autopsy Photos: 'Roswell' Image Of Extra-Terrestrial Body Dated To 1947

Roswell UFO Researcher Claims He Has Alien Photos | VIDEO

Noted Roswell Researcher Talks of 'Smoking Gun Evidence' at University Forum

“How Often Does An Honors Class Take A Serious Look At UFOS?"

Journalist, Miles O'Brien To Moderate UFO Panel at American University | VIDEO

New Details of Alleged Roswell Alien Slides/Photos Revealed


Friday, June 26, 2015

UFO Community Members Weigh in on Dubious MUFON Speakers

Jack Brewer By Jack Brewer

"We hope to bridge the gap between science and ufology. They're one in the same."

- MUFON International Director Jan Harzan, 'Las Vegas Sun'

     Concerns were expressed in the wake of the Roswell Slides debacle about organizations such as the Mutual UFO Network continuing to promote those who supported and enabled the empty claims surrounding the alleged slides. Don Schmitt was quickly back in the spotlight at a recent MUFON PA event, for instance, and beWITNESS promoter Jaime Maussan was invited to speak at the upcoming 2015 MUFON Symposium. MUFON WI Assistant State Director and Chief Investigator Mark O'Connell subsequently urged the organization to remove Maussan from the list of speakers. He also requested MUFON ban Maussan and Schmitt from future events, along with their slides colleagues Tom Carey, Richard Dolan and Anthony Bragalia. It seems Adam Dew has relatively removed himself from ufology, at least as compared to his beWITNESS associates and for the time being.

Further consideration reveals the challenges to be common and merely among the latest of what is relatively standard operating procedure concerning the low quality of speakers and information typically offered. MUFON and the North American UFO community in particular have systemic problems of credibility and poor quality of information circulated, as observable in not only the invitation extended to Jaime Maussan to speak at the annual MUFON conference, but the additional inclusion of such questionable figures as Paul Hellyer. Many people particularly object to the circumstances in light of the organization's claim to be dedicated to the scientific study of UFOs, an assertion now so widely taken for granted as false that it no longer even generates significant discussion.

Adding insult to injury is an upcoming MUFON PA event in which the keynote speaker is yet another dubious figure, Dr. David Jacobs, who, as of this blog post, quite questionably continues to claim to be a "strong advocate of strict scientific and ethical research methodology." Trouble is that if those claims were to be taken any more seriously than the underachieved MUFON mission statement, Jacobs has been repeatedly shown to fail miserably at actually implementing such purported advocacy into his own work. The retired historian's so-called investigations were conclusively demonstrated to be extremely ethically questionable and completely absent scientific merit. Nonetheless, MUFON is opting to roll out the red carpet and present him with a lifetime achievement award, as if it had no knowledge of either the actual definition of science or Jacobs' confirmed actions, detrimental to both his research subjects and the quality of the genre's collective body of information.

Several members of the UFO community were recently contacted and asked to submit comment on the above circumstances for inclusion in this blog post. Following are their most appreciated contributions. . . .

Monday, June 22, 2015

Roswell Slides Update: Maussan Expert Reverses Course – It's a Mummy!

Roswell Slides Update: Maussan Expert Reverses Course – It's a Mummy!

Dr. Richard O’Connor on Putting Away the Roswell Slides

By Curt Collins

“there’s no way that’s not the same being,” and that the body in the Slides was a Native American child, the “only conclusion.”

     Dr. Richard O’Connor was a guest on an episode of The MUFON UFO Radio show on KGRA guest-hosted by Erica Lukes. The topic was the controversy over the Roswell Slides.

Dr. Richard O’Connor had written a letter to Linda Moulton Howe shortly after the placard was read, where he said although he had personally confirmed the deblurring of the Slides placard, he felt it did not accurately describe the body in the pictures. He went on to describe features that looked unusual.

Dr. Richard O’Connor Letter to Linda Moulton Howe - May 2015
Portion of Dr. O’Connor's letter to LMH

On May 24, Jaime Maussan interviewed Dr. O’Connor by Skype where he discussed his views on the body in the Slides. The full interview was posted on YouTube. Whitley Strieber’s Unknown Country used the video as part of this article, “Doctors Agree: Roswell Slides Show a Nonhuman Body”

Although Dr. O’Connor did not participate in the BeWitness event, but he became associated with it after the fact. This was in large part due to him being one of the few people discussing the case that was knowledgeable in medicine and spoke English.

Getting back to the KGRA show, Dr. O’Connor was the first guest. He recapped his analysis, but stressed that it was made from (what amounts to) a single picture, a blurry image shot through glass, taken at an angle to the body.

The interviewer mentioned the consequences of the NPS material released due to the FOIA request by Shepherd Johnson, to which Dr. O’Connor replied:
“Yeah, I’ve just, over the past 48 hours more or less, been looking at that, and it seems to me like it's drawing us toward the conclusion that in fact is this photograph probably does represent a native American child. There were some, a couple of photographs in the last pages of that set of documents, one of them in particular on page 176, and in my opinion it really does show a different photograph of what is very likely the same child.”

Tom Carey on life after the Slides

Maussan interviewing Carey prior to BeWitness
Maussan interviewing Carey prior to BeWitness
Tom Carey had been on another KGRA show June 2 with Don Schmitt, and at that time he was challenging the reading of the placard, and all that it meant. On this show, Tom Carey appeared to have absorbed and accepted, or is in the process of accepting the facts. He was not asked about whether he’s changed his mind on the Slides, but in the discussion it sounds like he's come to the realization that the Slides are not "what we believed we had..." He talks about things in the past tense.

In talking about the material gathered for the BeWitness presentation, “that was our conclusion... what we knew up to that point..” Of the placard being read he says, “a day or two later, this bombshell hits about it being a mummified two-year-old boy. Well, talk about a right cross, or a left hook. He also seems to feel betrayed by two of the people who he’d asked to help with the placard have since “joined our critics.” Of the critics, he said he’d have worked with them, “had they been civil. In the opening, he mentioned having plenty to keep him busy, a new book coming out with Don Schmitt, and another one planned beyond that, but first up is their appearance at the annual Roswell Festival. Perhaps he’s putting the Slides behind him, returning to fundamental Roswell research.

To finish discussing the show, I should mention that Jamie Maussan was the featured guest, and the last hour was devoted solely to him. He maintains that the Slides are genuine and the other photos do not seem to match it, and even if they do, the body is abnormal, possibly the that of an alien being, one of the “Sky People” of native American legend. He rejects the new evidence, and continues to defend the Slides.

Call with Dr. Richard O'Connor, Wednesday, June 17

Dr. Richard O’Connor
Dr. Richard O’Connor
After the show, I was interested in finding more about about Dr. O’Connor’s change of position on the topic. I found his information at the Jesse A. Marcel Library and sent him a note, and to my surprise he invited me to call him instead. I found Dr. O’Connor to friendly, knowledgable, and was impressed with his candor and swift willingness to revise his conclusions in the face of more information and evidence.

He told me that looking at a photograph is fraught with pitfalls, and mentioned the fact that the quality of the Slides photograph was not very good, the details were not clear due to the blurry photograph, which was taken at an angle from the body (and possibly distorted by the glass in the case).

There were some characteristics that he still didn't quite understand, like the condition of the chest cavity, but it occurred to him that the terraced cliffs of Montezuma Castle must have caused the deaths of a number of children from falling off the ledges. He wondered if that could have accounted for the injuries to the child's body, particularly the damage to the head and the fractured femur. I pointed out the the shallow grave may have accounted for some of this, particularly the loss of the lower leg. (I thought later that the excavation by amateur archeologists could also be a factor.)

Cliff Dwellings of Montezuma Castle
Cliff Dwellings of Montezuma Castle

He stated that after he looked photo in the National Park Service FOIA documents, that the “there’s no way that’s not the same being,” and that the body in the Slides was a Native American child, the “only conclusion.” He thinks that this absolutely proves that the Slides had nothing to do with Roswell and that that the matter is closed.

Mummy Pics Juxtaposed
“there’s no way that’s not the same being”–Dr. Richard O’Connor

He thinks the lesson is to be learned from this, that if you have some extraordinary evidence, that putting it out for an open-source examination was the way to get results In this instance, it didn't take long for many people working together to determine the truth, and that by sharing information it's a more efficient means of reaching the truth.

As for the Slides and the BeWitness show, he personally does not feel it was a scam, and that the people involved were sincerely acting on the information they had available to them at the time. We discussed how the limitations imposed by the Slidebox Media non-disclosure agreement had prevented the sharing of the information. He said by holding back the information, it hindered the discovery of the truth.

He went on to say that the Maussan had made a good presentation in other respects than the Slides, and felt there was value to the discussion of the historical Roswell case and presentation of witness statements. About the Roswell Slides, he also said the evidence shows it was an archaeological finding. Unless there’s a body can be examined, the case is completed. Otherwise, it is just speculation from a photograph alone. He won't say a negative word against Maussan or anyone involved, but can't figure why Jaime is hanging on in the face of overwhelming evidence.

Facing the Future

Dr. O’Connor thinks this is finished, but that he’s still optimistic about the study of UFOs and the Roswell case. O’Connor worked alongside Jesse Marcel Junior for a great number of years and was convinced by the experiences that he shared, as well as the testimony of other witnesses. He’s sure of the reality of the Roswell event and that UFOs are visitors from outside our planet, and that they are worthy of study.

He’d like the reputation of the UFO topic to improve so that more scientists would be attracted and become involved. He also thinks that the average person is unaware of the genuine nature of things, and that with better education on the topic, support could be given to properly fund the scientific investigation of UFOs. He’s convinced that would to some conclusions and developments to help answer the questions and provide some understanding.

Continue Reading . . .

See Also:

The Roswell Slides – The Child from Montezuma Castle: A Summary

MUFON Asst. State Director Requests Ban on Roswell Slides Promoters

Roswell Slides: It's All Over but the Accountability

ROSWELL SLIDES UPDATE: Official Confirmation and Additional Photo of Mummy

Roswell Slides UPDATE: Additional Mummy Photo Found—Maussan backpedals on Bounty

The Roswell Slides: The Seduction of the Will to Believe

SETI's Seth Shostak Chimes in On The Roswell Slides

Roswell Slides Aftermath: Odds and Ends

Questions About The Roswell Slides Fiasco Remain

Roswell Slides: Alien Charade Continues Despite Acknowledged Facts | VIDEO

Roswell Slide Promoter, Don Schmitt Back on Stage

"Alien Mummy Fiasco in Mexico City Has Pretty Much Played Itself Out"

Roswell Slides Debacle: "The Public Deserves a Financial Accounting"

Roswell Slides: "The 'Alien' Photograph was Pure Theater"

Roswell Slides UPDATE: Schmitt Caves, Issues Mea Culpa; Blame Game Continues

Roswell Slides: Mexican Media Highlights Condemnation of 'Maussan Mummy Show'

Roswell Alien Slide Promoters Issue Conflicting Statements After Photos are Identified As a Child Mummy

Roswell Alien Crash Happened, Despite BeWitness Debacle, Claims NASA Astronaut

Roswell Slides UPDATE: Mummy of Mesa Verde - ID Confirmed

The Roswell Slides: UFO Researcher Apologizes; 'Dead Alien' Picture is of Child Mummy

Roswell Slides Update: Mummy is Identified; Mea Culpa Issued and Blame Game Begins

The Roswell Slides: Analysis of The Placard Image Released By Adam Dew

Roswell Slides Final Curtain: Mummified Body of Two Year Old Boy!

The Roswell Slides Reveal: Probable Hoax or Easily Explainable / Misidentified

Roswell Slides Revealed: '... A Smoking Gun It Is Not'

Roswell Slides: Smoking Gun Picture is Child Mummy

Roswell Slides: Photo Unveiling Was 'An epic Fail'

The Roswell Slides Time Bomb: Tick, Tick, Tick (Redux)

Stanton Friedman Chimes in On Alleged Roswell Alien Slides (Redux)

‘Roswell Slides’: A 20th Anniversary Commemoration of ‘Alien Autopsy’ Hoax?

What if the Roswell Slides Saga is a Social Experiment or a Hoax?

Another Promotional Trailer for Roswell Alien Slides & Upcoming Show | VIDEO

Carey & Schmitt Walk Back Roswell Alien Slides Story | VIDEO – INTERVIEW

The Roswell Slides ARE NOT the Roswell Slides | VIDEO

Roswell Aliens Slides Shot at White Sands Missile Range? | VIDEO

ROSWELL ALIEN SLIDES UPDATE: Original Evidence Won't Be Shown in Mexico?

The Roswell Slides and Stan Friedman

The Roswell Slides and the 'Lieutenant'

Stanton Friedman Chimes in On Alleged Roswell Alien Slides and His Declination to Participate in Upcoming Show

The Roswell Slides Saga: Some Claims vs Some Facts

Is This Mummy the Famous "Alien" in the Roswell Slides?

The Roswell Slides - A Matter of Provenance

'Roswell Slides' or Fraud Prints?

The Roswell Slides Time Bomb: Tick, Tick, Tick

The Roswell Slides and a Little Hypocrisy

The Roswell Slides: Adios

'Roswell Alien Slides' Owner Speaks Out

The Roswell Slides and Me (Kevin Randle)

More Info On Roswell Alien Slides; Adam Dew Interviewed By Chicago News Station | VIDEO

Chicago Man Uncovered Secret Alien Pics? | VIDEO

Spying on the Roswell Slides

Sneak Peak at The Roswell Alien Slides?

Live Press Conference with Roswell Alien Slides Researchers | VIDEO

Pictures of the Beings Found in Roswell to Be Presented by Jaime Maussan | VIDEO

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is Shown Roswell Alien Slides | VIDEO

Maussan Explains Origin of Roswell Alien Slides & Upcoming Show | VIDEO

First Glimpse of Roswell Alien Slides Documentary – Surprise! | VIDEO

Roswell Alien Slides To Be Unveiled in May Via a Live Streamed Event

The Roswell Slides and the Aztec UFO Crash

The Roswell Slides and Premature Disclosure

Roswell Researcher, Tom Carey Announces Discovery of Alien Photographs | VIDCAST

"Two Color Kodachrome Slides ... Purport To Show A Glass-Encased Alien Cadaver"

Real Alien Autopsy Photos: 'Roswell' Image Of Extra-Terrestrial Body Dated To 1947

Roswell UFO Researcher Claims He Has Alien Photos | VIDEO

Noted Roswell Researcher Talks of 'Smoking Gun Evidence' at University Forum

“How Often Does An Honors Class Take A Serious Look At UFOS?"

Journalist, Miles O'Brien To Moderate UFO Panel at American University | VIDEO

New Details of Alleged Roswell Alien Slides/Photos Revealed



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